Customer Service Policy
Accessibility, Of Ontarians, Disability Act (AODA)
Integrated Accessibility Standard Regulation (IASR)
1. Purpose
Protagon is committed to providing excellent customer service to all individuals, including those with disabilities. This policy outlines our commitment to meeting the requirements of the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) and Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) to ensure accessibility and equal opportunity for all customers.
2. Policy Statement
Protagon is dedicated to treating all customers with dignity and respect, ensuring that our goods and services are accessible to individuals with disabilities. We are committed to removing barriers and providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone.
3. Communication
3.1 Communication with Customers
We will communicate with customers in a manner that takes into account their individual needs. This includes providing information about our goods and services in accessible formats, upon request.
3.2 Feedback Process
We welcome feedback on the way we provide goods and services to individuals with disabilities. Feedback can be provided by:
• Email:
• Phone: 416.293.9500 x 226
Feedback will be reviewed, and appropriate measures will be taken to address any concerns.
4. Training
4.1 Training of Staff
All employees will receive training on accessible customer service in accordance with the IASR and AODA standards. This training will include:
• Understanding the purpose and requirements of the AODA
• How to interact and communicate with individuals with disabilities
• How to accommodate individuals with disabilities and provide excellent customer service
4.2 Record Keeping
Records of employee training will be maintained, including dates, content covered, and attendees.
5. Accessibility Features
Our facilities will be designed and maintained to consider accessibility features, including:
• Clear pathways for mobility
• Accessible entrances and exits
• Accessible washrooms
6. Assertive Devices
We welcome the use of personal assistive devices and will make reasonable efforts to ensure that individuals with disabilities can use their devices to access our goods and services.
7. Service Animals and Support Persons
Customers with disabilities who are accompanied by a service animal or support person will be allowed access to our premises with their service animal or support person.
8. Notice of Service Disruption
In the event of a planned or unexpected disruption to services or facilities, Protagon will provide notice to the public, including information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration, and any alternative facilities or services, if available.
9. Review and Update
This policy will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to ensure ongoing compliance with the IASR and AODA standards.